
I'm Himansh.

I'm an aspiring with a strong passion for crafting secure and seamless digital experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Synatra Music Player App


    React, Redux, Tailwind, JavaScript JSX, RapidAPI

    Synatra is a music player app I built using modern technologies like React, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind, JavaScript JSX, and Rapid API. Synatra is highly responsive and looks great on any device.

    The app is also incredibly fast thanks to the use of Redux Toolkit which helps manage the state of the app. Users can quickly navigate through the app, switch between different sections, and play songs without any lag or delay.

  • World Wide Stock Exchange App

    Python, Javscript, SQLITE, Flask, HTML, CSS

    Modern simplistic working stock exchange app using python's app routes with "GET" & "POST" methods. Along with two SQL databases to keep track of transactions and current users, I've used Javascript to implement many features including password strength and password confirmation. This app uses an API key which is used to recieve information about the current stocks in real time.

  • LIVE International Space Station Tracker

    React, Html, CSS, JavaScript

    Find out where the ISS currently is above earth. Built using React.js and map provided by Leaflet and Stadia Maps using an API key.

  • Modern Library Project

    Html, CSS, Javascript

    Modern online library using HTML and CSS elements to provide an aesthetically pleasing and user friendly graphical interface. Fully responsive to phones, laptop and computers.

  • Astrology Picutre of the Day (APOD)

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    Find out what the picture NASA took on a specific date. Using an API call to NASA's open source database.

Here is my previous experience

Attend Bot

Selenium webdriver automated bot which attends online lectures at any given time.

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Airline Reservation System

Pure Java object and class-based airline booking system

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Pet Game

Pure Java virtual pet game.

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